We were up in Scotland in August and the messaging there was much more cautious that it is down here. We turned the radio on and happened to hear Sturgeon saying something like "if your life feels pretty normal then you're doing it wrong". It made us feel quite guilty since we were on a completely "unnecessary" holiday and it was a strikingly different tone from the "go to the pub and wash your hands" chat that we are used to down here.
Yeah, from the pish I’ve heard from the UK govt briefings we seem to be at least getting the messaging right up here; whether it’s being followed or not is a separate issue and we are not lacking the same 5G anti-vaccine twats alas. Sturgeon deserves praise for standing up and delivering the bad news day after day and with a sense of empathy. As for your holiday, as long as you were following the guidelines I don’t see any issue. We’ve a lot of space..
I don’t disagree. Messaging up here I suppose errs on the side of “use your own common sense” which is precisely why folk are taking the piss. Aside from literally imposing a curfew I fear that will not change.