Also remember that if you are on self assessment then you claim this WFH expense through that (although IMO it’s unclear where on the self assessment return). If you failed to claim this on self assessment in previous years then you only have until 31/1 in the year following Deadline submission to amend your return (ie claim). However, you may be able to claim overpayment relief if outside the time limits.
https://blog.moneysavingexpert.com/2020/04/martin-lewis--working-from-home-due-to-coronavirus--claim-p6-wk-/ is the other link for it.
Forgot it was tax relief on £6/wk so £2.40/wk back for those on higher rate of tax (still ~£125) not £6/wk in your pocket.
That also has details of how to submit a claim (via P87) without having to do a full tax return.
I don't think I'll get much (if anything) for 2019/20 as I was still in the office mid-March and can't remember when we were forced to work from home (rather than just requested to do so if we can).