The way I worked it: Low risk (cinema/bus/shop with mask on derr/eating with seated people only/drinking outside at our local in good old windy Belfast): OK
Parties indoors/weddings etc.. :Nope.Problem is if we all stay in, even more jobs are lost. As let's face it, the government help has been poor for too many sectors. We both still have our jobs.
BUT if you are near somebody who must be shielding, even that may be too much of a risk.
Problem is if we all stay in, even more jobs are lost.
sure. but I'm not convinced sacrificing citizens on either side of that shitshow in service of propping up a failed, neoliberal economic system that exists to perpetuate further wealth hoarding is sending the right kinda message, like.
Mass unemployment and a vanishingly small number of individuals in possession of all the cash has never ended well.
also - staying indoors is better than... dying.
at what point do you just say to yourself:
"y'know what, all these guidelines and tiers and what not have been arrived at by a shower of utter know-nothings who have routinely ignored science - maybe it's best if i just stay the fuck indoors and away from anyone, at least until such time as a provable improvement can be observed."
shirley that seems the most sensible thing to do right now.