I am planning to do some tinkering with my bianchi which has been converted to a single speed by a local bike shop. Now, I want to convert it to a flip flop hub so I can ride it on fixed gear too.
2-Installing a flip flop hub wheel (I intend to keep it easy and simple and just buy a new flip flop hub wheel) -Most of them are 120mm and my frames rear dropout spacing is 126mm...so does anyone recommend and spacers and advice?
3-The fun bit --- anyone has any recommendations which think suits the bike or know where to get a good bargain or if anyone selling?
Hi all,
Need a bit of advice here...
I am planning to do some tinkering with my bianchi which has been converted to a single speed by a local bike shop. Now, I want to convert it to a flip flop hub so I can ride it on fixed gear too.
1-Does anyone know what type of freewheel to get? My first guess is the Park tool FR-8
let me know if I am correct???
2-Installing a flip flop hub wheel (I intend to keep it easy and simple and just buy a new flip flop hub wheel) -Most of them are 120mm and my frames rear dropout spacing is 126mm...so does anyone recommend and spacers and advice?
3-The fun bit --- anyone has any recommendations which think suits the bike or know where to get a good bargain or if anyone selling?
A lot to ask I know but ... THANKS!!!
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