Over lockdown I decided to clear my parts bin / garage - instead of selling all the gubbins (which would have been the wiser move prolly) I opted to build bikes around the components I had. Principally two wheelsets - a standard mach 1 pair from a hybrid and a 27 1 1/4 SA 3 speed retro pair from freemans. I was impatient and ebayed a Dawes ladies hybrid and a Falcon in a nice pearl creme colour. Here are the results.
Over lockdown I decided to clear my parts bin / garage - instead of selling all the gubbins (which would have been the wiser move prolly) I opted to build bikes around the components I had. Principally two wheelsets - a standard mach 1 pair from a hybrid and a 27 1 1/4 SA 3 speed retro pair from freemans. I was impatient and ebayed a Dawes ladies hybrid and a Falcon in a nice pearl creme colour. Here are the results.
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