You could argue I'm being overdramatic, it wasn't a museum piece
No, it's an easy out for him to say that it had lost all it's value just because it was being repainted. It's a bit careless. If you're in the business of restoring any '59... imagine it had been a Standard instead? Imagine you hadn't wanted a solid colour? I'm angry for you!
I assume it's the headstock? It's very possible to fix that invisibily, and at the same time make the joint much stronger than it used to be. Whether you'll notice it once it's in your hands, I guess that's a judgement call.
I can't believe he'd try to charge you for the neck repair.
He reckons he's fixed it so you can't see the break... Thing is I was in so much shock when he called I couldn't process what he was telling me, my jaw actually fucking dropped... I was at work, only took the call cuz I thought he was gonna say it was ready to pick up, I was so excited...
There's no way out of this, this really isn't the restoration I was hoping for... I'll get him to finish the job I guess, not sure what to do about payment, whole situation is fucked!
You could argue I'm being overdramatic, it wasn't a museum piece, there was loads wrong with it but he's just fucked it up way more so I'm either gonna have to suck it up or go the insurance route... Gutted!! 😟