PS The dude is a really nice guy, he is horrified this has happened and I know he's done everything in his power to make things right... You can't unbreak a neck tho', that's the tough bit... I'm going over to talk to him tomorrow as well as see what the repair looks like... I've kinda got the feeling like when you've just been burgled, very strange... Just a bit brokenhearted really, silly, I know... It's just a fucking guitar!!
PS The dude is a really nice guy, he is horrified this has happened and I know he's done everything in his power to make things right... You can't unbreak a neck tho', that's the tough bit... I'm going over to talk to him tomorrow as well as see what the repair looks like... I've kinda got the feeling like when you've just been burgled, very strange... Just a bit brokenhearted really, silly, I know... It's just a fucking guitar!!