• #87377
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• #87378
Assassin Bug!?
• #87379
Cars are not animals and mosquitoes/tsetse flies/snails/assassin bugs are not killers, just vectors.
• #87380
If car, why not gun? Also, wolves don't kill people.
• #87381
Rappers do.
• #87382
Assassin Bug!?
The particular subfamily of assassin bugs which transmit fatal disease to a lot of people is colloquially known as the kissing bugs, if that makes them seem more friendly.
• #87383
Not particularly.
• #87384
wolves don't kill people
Well, not very often. Central Asia seems to be the place to avoid if you want to avoid wolf attacks.
• #87385
What about cigarettes?
• #87386
What about Coronavirus?
• #87387
What about cigarettes?
That should come under human-caused deaths mostly in the self-harm category, but suicide is obviously not in the count since that's running at about 800,000 a year before CV19, and many smart people think lockdown is going to provoke a spike over the usual background rate.
Some estimates of passive smoking deaths are of the order of 600,000 per year, and they are every bit as avoidable and human-caused as automotive incidents. On the other hand, the "car" count in the infographic is obviously only counting road traffic incidents, as pollution from automotive transport sources is credited with shortening about three times that many lives every year.
• #87388
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• #87389
Cars are not animals
No, but they are driven by them.
Perhaps they should remove the Picture of the car and replace it with a generic white van man.
• #87390
Cage snob! Why pick on vans? Generic BMW driver shurely?
• #87391
Werewolves with cigarettes.
• #87392
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• #87393
Next job. Lol.
• #87394
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• #87395
Freshwater snails? How bad a swimmer do you have to be to not get away from one of those. And if you are that bad you’ll drown first, surely?
• #87396
The government retraining mock-ups keep coming... ;)
• #87397
"Cyber" i mean.. fucking hell. someone signed off on this!
• #87398
This vid was shown to the cabinet before sign off.
• #87399
David Davis hasn't aged as badly as I thought.
• #87400
a meme
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