This was one of my original ideas. Haven't taken it further as the sink, washing machine, and dishwasher are clustered in their current location because that's where they can connect to drainage. Moving things to the dining table recess means I'd have to re-run the drainage pipes to sufficient fall over a length of about 4m, which is possible, but would also have to turn 90 degrees sideways under the floor and then cut through a bunch of floor joists, which makes it a non-starter in a flat (there might be a way to achieve it technically, but it would become warrantable work (permits, signoff etc) and becomes something that I can't DIY.
Would you consider putting the sink where the dining table currently is and creating a longer L shape along the wall where the cooker is? You could then have the dining table in the open space under the window. The current position of the table looks a bit claustrophobic to me.