The main issue is the number of windows. We've got 4 bay windows, so that's 3 or 4 windows per bay, and then a few others.
We will have venetian blinds in one room but not fussed about that being electric as it's rare that we'll actually change them.
I think it's only recently that they've started doing battery motors for roman blinds, previously it was only roller blinds due to the extra power needed.
It's going to be hard. Roman blinds only need s single motor, sands it doesn't have to be powerful. Venetians would require two motors, and one would need to be high torque and powerful. It's possible, but likely powered rather than battery.
I think this I just a wait thing... They'll do Roman blinds first and eventually the tech and motors will be miniaturised and powerful enough to do Venetians. I looked a couple of years ago and decided to wait on it... And would still have a problem with getting power to the blinds.