@Eeyorecore@PhilPub Thanks for the recommendations. I've found some other options at XXCycle and SJS in varyingdegrees of niceness. My frontrunners at the moment are either the Carminas or Middleburn's RO2s, which look decent and use external bearings. The bike (a 1982 Colnago Super) is currently set up with full 2012 Athena so I need to work out if it's worth the expenditure, labour and damage to its - for lack of a better term - brand cohesiveness to shorten the cranks by 5 mm.
@Eeyorecore @PhilPub Thanks for the recommendations. I've found some other options at XXCycle and SJS in varying degrees of niceness. My frontrunners at the moment are either the Carminas or Middleburn's RO2s, which look decent and use external bearings. The bike (a 1982 Colnago Super) is currently set up with full 2012 Athena so I need to work out if it's worth the expenditure, labour and damage to its - for lack of a better term - brand cohesiveness to shorten the cranks by 5 mm.