Reckon I’ve solved what the noise that appeared a couple weeks back was. Wheel balancing weight came loose and was thumping the calliper. You can see at the end of the weights some leftover adhesive on the wheel, and a fresh scratch on the calliper corner. Annoyingly, this seems to have aggravated the break squeaking in normal driving.
As for the new noise at the back, I’m wondering if the spring has snapped, and that the shoes only rub in reverse. Pure guess tho.
Reckon I’ve solved what the noise that appeared a couple weeks back was. Wheel balancing weight came loose and was thumping the calliper. You can see at the end of the weights some leftover adhesive on the wheel, and a fresh scratch on the calliper corner. Annoyingly, this seems to have aggravated the break squeaking in normal driving.
As for the new noise at the back, I’m wondering if the spring has snapped, and that the shoes only rub in reverse. Pure guess tho.