I’ve asked around and got a bit more clued up.
My 320d has the m47tu engine which has swirl flaps.
The n47 engine was the one that had lots of problems, and wasn’t as reliable. The swirl flaps on that engine often broke and ended up getting ingested into the engine. Which is bad.
The m47 is more reliable, and while it does have swirl flaps, their failure rate is a lot lower. The m57 (the 6 cylinder version) is also less reliable.
These related reliability issues somewhat clouded the water in terms of advice, which has lead to the mantra of telling everyone to remove their swirl flaps.As the engine is still rather low mileage, I’m not worrying about it. I might take the inlet manifold off for a clean and inspection at some point, maybe clean the EGR valve at the same time.
But I’ve got other bits to dither on with before that!
Swirl flaps. I know most people simply remove them and put a blanking plate in, but is there any way of replacing them so they function but they're not a threat to the engine?
Car has done 75k, I was thinking - instead of removing the swirl flaps, could I replace the manifold instead? Is that a stupid solution. I don't mind paying more for the part as removing the flaps increases emissions and decreases engine efficiency.