I can see your logic but i've not seen anything to say that early use of dexamethasone increases later risks...just a few studies that show that early use of dexamethasone isn't effective compared to using it later when it is actually needed.
I think you are right about increasing vulnerability to other things though. Things like a thrush infection can suddenly become life threatening in some circumstances.
OK, so may layman's understanding is as follows:
With Covid-19 it's an excessive immune reaction that kills, not the virus itself. Meaning most patients will have a mild or even symptom free affliction, but for a significant minority their immune system goes haywire after a week or so leading to long term damage and even death.
Which is why they have started experimenting with immuno-suppressants. Dexamethasone is one of these suppresants?
Then if I understand correctly then this suppressant leaves you wide open for other illnesses, a simple razor cut can turn septic for example. So if you do use it you should be in a controlled environment like a hospital. Also, you should be in the latter stages of the illness so that we know that we are only targeting the adverse immune effect, with the viral infection being relatively under control at that point.
So... if I have understood the above correctly then giving it at a too early stage means the virus gets a wide open door to really establish itself in every nook and cranny of your body. Meaning if the immune system goes crazy at a later stage it becomes that much more difficult to deal with the illness?