• #102
Yes it is a something that takes a while to get used to but once you have it gives you absolute control of gpx tracks, including joining them extending, adding and removing points, moving individual points etc etc.
Creating gpx files containing multiple tracks and routes and waypoints AKA points of interest.Can create either gpx track files or gpx route files, some devices can use both and treat them in different ways, garmin edge series convert to fit files whereas some devices can and do use the raw gpx route or gpx track files.
As always depends on your requirements.
• #103
I use Garmin Basecamp because my Proper Length Bike Rides™ are apparently too long for Garmin Connect to deal with. Basecamp on the other hand is able to export them as GPX. I wouldn't use it for anything if Connect actually loaded/exported my files as required.
• #104
x-post from AQA...
Does anyone have a step by step guide to joining up to OSM and editing a road from gravel to tarmac or vice versa?
I have a few "roads" that are unsealed and want to change them on OSM to show this. I just want easy to follow steps for someone who already spends too long at a PC screen.
• #105
• #106
Thanks I'll have a look. I take it then it's not just a simple matter of highlighting a length of road and clicking 'unsealed' then?
• #107
Put a second or two of research effort in man ;-)
• #108
No thanks. I spend 12hrs a day doing this shit. I just want steps outlining exactly what needs to happen. I'm fucking tired of reading documentation for everything.
• #109
No thanks.
• #110
I mean, I just wanted to contribute some useful info to this shared resource. But whatever. Maybe when I get more down time I'll be more inclined to learn. I'm sure some mod arsehole will just revert the changes, like they always do on wankipedia.
• #111
OK, in the interests of - as you say - contributing some useful info to this shared resource, and reversing my own petulance in deleting the link to the beginner's guide I posted above, here is a literal step-by-step guide: https://learnosm.org/en/beginner/start-osm/ that starts with 'open your browser' and gets you as far as editing tags - in your case,
.You will then need to read https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:surface and choose a suitable value. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to get this far for someone with a technical background.
• #112
You could've just said, create a login, zoom in, click edit, change road type, click save. It definitely wasn't that easy last time I looked. Thanks though, your first link basically said as much and the options for unsealed roads, etc were in dropdowns on the left.
• #113
Ok, so I've managed to tweak a road from unknown to unsealed, grade 3.
There's another I'd like to change, but not the whole length of it. It has points where it joins other roads and becomes tarmac at that point, but I've tried all the splitting options and all the usual selection stuff but it doesn't seem to want to apply 'unsealed' to one section of the line and 'tarmac' to the other. Is there some trick to splitting a road?
• #114
Yes, you would need to split the road then apply the 'unsealed' attribute to one of the parts. You split lines (roads etc) at nodes: select a node then right click, should be a scissors icon. Create a new node first if there's not one where the surface changes.
• #115
Nice one. I must've used the other two options and not the scissors. It already had a node at the junction so it seems to be correct now.
• #116
What about a bridge that's being repaired? Well, glad you asked...
• #117
You mean every bridge you've passed over from about the day after?
Loads of work, but someone's got to do it. :)
• #118
I thought I could preempt the damage going forward. Save some time.
• #119
http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ isn't currently allowing tile selection.
Anyone know where I can download specific regions for Garmin, so I don't need to grab a whole country? The card in my 800 is full and I'd rather find an alt. download than buy a new card.
• #120
Try putting a bounding box around the area you need here, use garmin options
• #121
Has anyone tried using this? I'm not a premium user so I'm just squinting at the free one, why is it blue? I feel like I'd end up using it and accidentally routing myself along a stream (rather than a bridleway that turns into a stream)
1 Attachment
• #122
I've seen it, I've not used it though. Maybe it would be of use for race route planning but not sure I'd bother for normal route planning. OSM map mode normally takes care of what I need.
• #123
It’s decent. More suited to planning road rides as red is where most traffic occurs. Not sure what other colour lesser used paths could be? Yellows and greens would get lost in forested and non forested areas. Can apply it over the top of any of the maps. Example attached of standard ridewithgps maps and os cycle maps.
2 Attachments
• #124
Ahh, makes sense. I was personally holding out for an option to change the colour of the overlay but I do like wishing for the moon on a stick.
Does look a lot more reasonable on roads.
• #125
Recently I've been riding areas I haven't ridden before by route planning on RWGPS and switching to strava to see my personal heatmap. This is a bit of a faff but I just noticed the personal heatmap tick box on the strava route planner. Clicking it doesn't seem to do anything though unless i'm doing it wrong?
I don't. It's fucking awful software that makes me bellow with rage every time I'm stupid enough to try using it again. RWGPS every time for me. It'd be nice if you could have a local version rather than having to use a browser, but compared to using Basecamp removing your toenails with a claw hammer is a pleasurable and worthwhile experience.