• Definitely not understood. The dynamic is very different. Most afro Latinos tend to identify as Hispanic and not African. Seems to be a complete disconnect with the African continent

  • Heheh, you’ve stumbled on a pet peeve of mine: Hispanic vs. Latin American.

    Hispanicity is a mainly US construct derived from Spanish geopolitical thought to refer Latin Americans (of mainly Mexican and Central American origin), particularly when they’re in the US. Etymologically, the term Hispanic doesn’t include English, French and Portuguese-speaking countries, much to the chagrin of many a Brazilian filling out a form in the States (Brazil has 56% black population).

    IME, Latinos outside the US rarely self-identify as Hispanic, but often do self-identify as Latin American.

    Latin American is a competing concept derived from French geopol thought, and in my opinion is more accurate (as it includes French and Portuguese speakers). There is also a much greater sense of “Latin American” as a culture among Latinos worldwide. “Hispanic” culture is a less developed idea, and usually focuses on the practices of Mexicans in the States.
