If you buy the best you can afford at the time, then you won’t end up thinking “what if”, like you might do if you buy a cheap bike.
The joy of a fixie is having a light, fast, agile frame under you. Quella, BLB etc usually have basic steel frames that are heavy, unresponsive and just aren’t nice to ride. They also tend to come with heavy wheels and shite components, the brakes being particularly rubbish.
Re steel v alu, decent steel is more durable and can be repaired. Alu frames generally can’t be repaired. Steel gives a nice supple ride, alu tends to be more rigid and harsh.
If you buy the best you can afford at the time, then you won’t end up thinking “what if”, like you might do if you buy a cheap bike.
The joy of a fixie is having a light, fast, agile frame under you. Quella, BLB etc usually have basic steel frames that are heavy, unresponsive and just aren’t nice to ride. They also tend to come with heavy wheels and shite components, the brakes being particularly rubbish.
Re steel v alu, decent steel is more durable and can be repaired. Alu frames generally can’t be repaired. Steel gives a nice supple ride, alu tends to be more rigid and harsh.