Another reason not to buy 12s! 😂
My mate Nick at Intoxica has one of those big turntable things with the fluid and the hoover attachment, they do a great job but a bit spenny... Just run it through as many times as it takes...
In fact, I remember when my mate Joss was doing Saturdays there for a while, Nick would get him on the cleaner all day... Oh, how we laughed about it in the pub later... He'd whine like a little bitch, we'd be under the table laughing our arses off... #csb
Cheapest way is the soap on a finger method... You'll need a sink, a clean tea towel, some old fashioned soap (no perfumes etc, just basic soap)... Wet record and soap with tepid water (try and avoid the labels), get some suds going on the soap and then follow the grooves around the record with your wet, soapy finger... Rinse under a strong cold tap, repeat until you've got all the gunk out then dry as much as you can with your tea towel and place in a dish rack to dry completely... I've done hundreds of 45s like this, works a treat, the difference in appearance and sound quality can be incredible...