I’ve come to the realisation that the rear mech hanger on my stayer is bent inwards by some noticeable amount. The shifting is just as fine as it ever was though, and the cage is still clear of the spokes when in the lowest gear. Are there any other ill effects associated with a bent hanger or I just leave it as it is?
In my experience a bent hanger usually means that you can get the indexing right at the top end of the cassette, or the bottom end, but not both. But if it's shifting sweetly, then I'd leave well alone.
I’ve come to the realisation that the rear mech hanger on my stayer is bent inwards by some noticeable amount. The shifting is just as fine as it ever was though, and the cage is still clear of the spokes when in the lowest gear. Are there any other ill effects associated with a bent hanger or I just leave it as it is?