Anyone want these tubular rims?
2 x Brevetto Longhi stamped Fiamme rims. 1 x 36 H 1 x 40H. The 36 H seems more narrow and boxy. Also, quite a rare 40H Constrictor rim. I'm decluttering.
FREE to any regular contributor to this thread who will use (or at least hoard for a rainy day :). Collection from SE6 or E14 on Weds and Fri.
Anyone want these tubular rims?
2 x Brevetto Longhi stamped Fiamme rims. 1 x 36 H 1 x 40H. The 36 H seems more narrow and boxy. Also, quite a rare 40H Constrictor rim. I'm decluttering.
FREE to any regular contributor to this thread who will use (or at least hoard for a rainy day :). Collection from SE6 or E14 on Weds and Fri.
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