Really interesting podcast, the first hand experiences you share of growing up in London really are illuminating. The experience of taking the young people on a trip to America having to prepare them for being interrogated by immigration hit home some truths told to me by my mother, to always be prepared when you get the immigration desk. My wife got denied entry to the UK once, held for hours in detention, interrogated and humiliated.
Have a great amount of respect for the work you do and hope than you can continue to get access to funding and support. When you detailed the current challenges faced by young people marginalised by society in London, gang cultures and untold stories of exploitation of girls, I was struck by just how much needs to be done to support these communities for access to basic human rights.
Your experiences are really valuable in forming a greater understanding and thanks for sharing. Would encourage people to give it a listen.
Will give a listen .you might wanna also listen to this ,I posted this podcast earlier on the thread https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9TUjNTc09pdg&ep=14&episode=M2M3YWJhMzUtMWY3My00ZjRkLTkzZGQtYTUyNDM0ZjEwYWEz