Bit of a jumble sale for last few bits as I'm moving to Sweden next week. Very much 'bottom of the barrel' - would suggest beer, but I probably won't drink it before I leave. Collect from SE22.
Mystery 31.8mm riser bars, £5. Wide. Have taken a photo of the skull logo on them, someone might be able to ID.
Mystery track rear wheel with 17t sprocket fixed, £5. 622 x 14. No branding, came on a bike I bought off someone. Not the lightest, and sprocket started threading so araldited it on. Can't make any promises on how long that'll hold, but its done me fine for the last year on my pub bike.
Bit of a jumble sale for last few bits as I'm moving to Sweden next week. Very much 'bottom of the barrel' - would suggest beer, but I probably won't drink it before I leave. Collect from SE22.
Mystery 31.8mm riser bars, £5. Wide. Have taken a photo of the skull logo on them, someone might be able to ID.
Mystery track rear wheel with 17t sprocket fixed, £5. 622 x 14. No branding, came on a bike I bought off someone. Not the lightest, and sprocket started threading so araldited it on. Can't make any promises on how long that'll hold, but its done me fine for the last year on my pub bike.
Cinelli Neos seatpost, £10. Not currently rideable. See the pic - its missing the interior fitting bit, but the post itself is in good condition. I called Cinelli and they confirmed they can ship a replacement part, which I didn't do at the time as involved calling the factory in Italy. So you'd need to go through the faff of arranging it.
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