Next project is a bit different! This was the first proper bike I ever had, a Klein Pulse from about 1997 when I was 15. It’s an awesome frame, very light and still straight. It has had various incarnations, from the original stock build with fairly rubbish suspension fork, some gradual upgrades, then a dodgy single speed with one of those horrible chain tensioners and a rigid fork, and finally a rebuild with gears for city riding. It hasn’t been ridden for quite a few years now so it’s time to give it a new lease of life.
The paint was iridescent red which was quite nice but I’ve never been a huge fan of red bikes. Over the years it has faded and then been covered in stickers and later wrapped in electrical tape so the paint is now in terrible shape.
My plan is to strip it completely - Nitromors is working well on this paint. Then clearcoat the brushed Alu underneath and rebuild. Rigid fork, flat bars, 1x, fat-ish tyres. Will post progress!
Next project is a bit different! This was the first proper bike I ever had, a Klein Pulse from about 1997 when I was 15. It’s an awesome frame, very light and still straight. It has had various incarnations, from the original stock build with fairly rubbish suspension fork, some gradual upgrades, then a dodgy single speed with one of those horrible chain tensioners and a rigid fork, and finally a rebuild with gears for city riding. It hasn’t been ridden for quite a few years now so it’s time to give it a new lease of life.
The paint was iridescent red which was quite nice but I’ve never been a huge fan of red bikes. Over the years it has faded and then been covered in stickers and later wrapped in electrical tape so the paint is now in terrible shape.
My plan is to strip it completely - Nitromors is working well on this paint. Then clearcoat the brushed Alu underneath and rebuild. Rigid fork, flat bars, 1x, fat-ish tyres. Will post progress!
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