Alright mate...
Would you suggest I look at it from the perspective of Dominic Cummings?
I am very much following general guidance and also common sense: observed 14 days quarantine on return from France; self isolated during the time I picked up a common cold/cough from my toddler pending results of a covid test; have and use the track and trace app; follow government/university/governing body guidance re: covid for teaching a sports class at university; wear a mask when required; and wash my hands/gel hands religiously; have significantly limited any physical social activity; have not been to a restaurant since Feb; have barely visited the shops.
Last time we went to France, we self isolated for a week out of choice to minimise contact prior to travel.Probably the same as everyone else, so I'm not saying I'm special in any way, and I'm doing all the above to 'help the cause'. But I do have 2 young kids, and it would be nice for them to see their grandparents if able, especially as it is unlikely that we will be seeing them at Christmas, and who knows until when.
So my selfish question is, will schools let us go, knowing that we'll have to have our little one out of school for 2 weeks, is there any talk of a quarantine reduction scheme on travel? Of course if we test positive, we will self isolate.
A half term holiday dilemma:
We have a week booked in France for half term to see family, booked as soon as we found out what the half term dates were. 2 weeks quarantine on our return, which we have experienced already when we came back from France at the end of August. Our daughter is in reception year, so she most likely won't miss anything very important. However, 2 weeks at home after relative freedom almost drove us insane last time.
How are schools likely to respond? Wife is due back from maternity a week or so after half term, so being in quarantine is unlikely to be the way she wants to spend the last week before returning.
Anyone know if there are any measures planned for testing to reduce quarantine duration?