there is no gravel on mars, and the earth like gravitational pull means i still cant bunny hop
@Belagerent that would be kind thank you, i have some samples from the south coast and a friend kindly sent me a 2017 vintage of oregonian muck.
i'm thinking of utilising them both to create a story which says "i ride my bike, i dont wash it, i've never even seen a trading estate let alone coded on one"
i'm hoping the sponging and spraying of the soil will cover the rather amateurish distressing i tried to do to the chain stay, you just can't get the same look now days with narrow wides and clutches, but it turns our fallegating it with an old izumi doesn't do the job either.
thinking of giving it to some local youths to wheelie and run round the bmx track as a last resort before i get the dslr out
i don't see it, i choose not to see it, i'm looking away, i cannot see
i finally got round to fitting the rack and testing out the wizard works bags with a decent load, over the moon with them. i wanted them to look similar to my briefing japan messenger bag/ a think pad and they do. quite fun.
obviously they're worth the price and the craftsman ship is way above that of buying some px podsacks for 5% of the price, definately...100%..........yes.............,,,,,
next question