Looking really nice! So the spokes are all good? Wheels ready to roll? Nice getting a wheelset like that. What did your Fiamme hoard end up at? Scanning back it looks like a spare version 2 front, 32/40 pair version 3 (no “brevetto Longhi”) and 32/40 pair version 4 (just “Italy” underneath and yellow rather than gold in the decal). Nice to have the spare front for your wheels.
Looking really nice! So the spokes are all good? Wheels ready to roll? Nice getting a wheelset like that. What did your Fiamme hoard end up at? Scanning back it looks like a spare version 2 front, 32/40 pair version 3 (no “brevetto Longhi”) and 32/40 pair version 4 (just “Italy” underneath and yellow rather than gold in the decal). Nice to have the spare front for your wheels.