I was going to message you with an update actually! I ended up taking both hubs apart, soaking in gt85 and a couple of kettles of boiled water over them and they got moving ok. Basically the grease had all solidified and needed thoroughly melting off! There’s a rubber seal I need to replace too. So it turned out to be a time rather than money investment that was needed :-D
I think I’m going to use these wheels on a ride Wednesday and see how they are. Clandestines quote for the frame modification was very reasonable so I’ll definitely do that, but I’ve got to psych myself up to stripping the frame first!
He actually did it absolute madman.
What was the issue with the hub in the end?
WRT the clearance i guess it depends where the mud builds up. Does seem like if they had just made the dimples a little longer you'd be in the clear...
In my experience, when the mud starts building up to dangerous levels its pretty obvious, because the wheels don't spin properly anymore, so as long as you stop pedalling you can probably save the frame....maybe.