If for e.g. the engine and transmission are from another car you should, technically, submit it for approval
Just an engine and box swap wouldn't make it a radically-altered vehicle as you'd still have more than 8 points from the shell, suspension, axles and steering.
an engineer approved by the Dvla
It's actually the DVSA not the DVLA that do IVA tests.
Anyway, Q plates rock. The emissions test is 'no visible smoke' at MOT time.
I’m assuming that shell and suspension would be modified as part of a driveline swap, if you wanted the engine to stay where you put it and not destroy everything else, but yes- there’s a scoring system in play here.
Just an engine and box swap wouldn't make it a radically-altered vehicle as you'd still have more than 8 points from the shell, suspension, axles and steering.
It's actually the DVSA not the DVLA that do IVA tests.
Anyway, Q plates rock. The emissions test is 'no visible smoke' at MOT time.