Wandsworth Cycling Campaign are fairly active, so it might be worth giving them a shout.
@vilms5000 I've found wands separating cycle lanes to be frustrating for exactly that reason (not there, but along Grosvenor Road); however, that road from Clapham South to Balham might be TfL, rather than Wandsworth BC. Also, getting any cycling infrastructure in place in Wandsworth is a nightmare (they just removed all their LTNs pretty much in one day because of local pressure) because guess which political party controls the council! As such, I'd think twice before complaining about inclusive cycling infrastructure just because it slows us down a bit.
As such, I'd think twice before complaining about inclusive cycling infrastructure just because it slows us down a bit.
Aye. Good points. I think you’re right about it being a TfL thing. And YES, the LTN removal was a shocker and has returned Glenburnie Rd to its original rat-run state. I can’t cmd-z my complaint (but if it’s not WBC then maybe they’ll enjoy putting me straight) but I will comment on the LTN removals, not least because when the nearest planter had its olive tree nicked, we stuck some shrubs in there. All gone : /
(no, seriously, all good points, thank you)
and to @vilms5000
If you are a resident or can be bothered,
it is worth checking on the LB Wandsworth website to find which Councillor and Cabinet member
have responsibility for 'Cycling' or 'Highways'.
Elected councillors are sometimes more susceptible to democratic pressure than council officers.