OK, so here's some photos - not great as they white garage door drains the colour scheme a bit - it's in immaculate condition.
I had intended to remove the aftermarket Bontrager stickers from the (Planet X carbon) wheels as I've always thought they're a bit over the top - they are just vinyl stick-on jobs so a bit of warmth from a hairdryer and they'd be straight off.
Rims are perfectly straight and very little wear to the brake tracks. Tyres are brand new (front will match the rear - I just haven't fitted it yet - I'll be keeping the slightly worn 28mm Conti 4 Seasons that's shown on the front)
OK, so here's some photos - not great as they white garage door drains the colour scheme a bit - it's in immaculate condition.
I had intended to remove the aftermarket Bontrager stickers from the (Planet X carbon) wheels as I've always thought they're a bit over the top - they are just vinyl stick-on jobs so a bit of warmth from a hairdryer and they'd be straight off.
Rims are perfectly straight and very little wear to the brake tracks. Tyres are brand new (front will match the rear - I just haven't fitted it yet - I'll be keeping the slightly worn 28mm Conti 4 Seasons that's shown on the front)