• My neverending (aka sat in attic while wedding, move and baby got in the way) colnago sprint build has another set back as I just realised the BB is wrong size.

    Grabbed a chorus 102mm but turns out I need a 111mm. I thought I had done my research but obviously looked in the wrong places as armed with what i know now I found the answer with a quick google.

    Not happy with the cinelli 1a stem as the matt finish doesn't really work with the chrome, and I think I'll be in the market for new bars as well, again the finish is too dark.

  • Not happy with the cinelli 1a stem as the matt finish doesn't really work with the chrome, and I think I'll be in the market for new bars as well, again the finish is too dark.

    Assuming you've got a silver 1A, I know what you mean. It's shiny, but the anodised finish sort of looks satin and it seems to clash with other alloy or chrome parts. If you have the patience, sand the anodising off with some 1200 grit wet-and-dry and a bucket of soapy water, then polish it up with Autosol etc. They look really great polished like that and hold their shine well.
