Gotoh set for less money here: https://www.axecaster.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35&products_id=228
Gotoh also has a similar style locking set without the thumb wheels (coin slot at the top of the post). I got these recently but haven't used them yet.
Good find. Thanks man, ordered them plus the adapter bushings.
My Tele is really silly now. It's a 2001 USA Standard but literally everything on it bar the body and neck has been replaced over the years. The tuners were the last bit of original hardware I think.
It really could use a re-fret to be honest. I love it but I think it's time for me to transfer my tinkering attention to something new.
Vintage style 6 in a line, nickel, non locking, non height adjustable from WD music.
Gotoh sd91 05m £45 – needs adapter bushings
Kluson £39 – needs adapter bushing