Front Magura was working brilliantly yesterday - bled off the bike, with the dual syringe method, which apparently involves pulling a mild vacuum on the top syringe whist waggling/knocking the entire assembly around. According to Pete all of a sudden two bubbles came out (presumably they'd been hiding in the shifter) and it now feels much better than the Zee. Which I have on the rear still, as bleeding a brake system off the bike, when the bike has internal routing, is hard.
Front Magura was working brilliantly yesterday - bled off the bike, with the dual syringe method, which apparently involves pulling a mild vacuum on the top syringe whist waggling/knocking the entire assembly around. According to Pete all of a sudden two bubbles came out (presumably they'd been hiding in the shifter) and it now feels much better than the Zee. Which I have on the rear still, as bleeding a brake system off the bike, when the bike has internal routing, is hard.