Anyone actually done no dig? One end of our big bed is particularly shallow and I'm shifting a load of graded soil out of my garden at the moment (not checked acidity, but some of it seems quite good as it's under a huge Oak which sheds loads of leaves every year).
Current plan is a layer of cardboard, 6" soil, chuck some horse manure and/or green compost on top, then put it under plastic for the winter. Will this be likely to be ready to plant in to by spring?
Anyone actually done no dig? One end of our big bed is particularly shallow and I'm shifting a load of graded soil out of my garden at the moment (not checked acidity, but some of it seems quite good as it's under a huge Oak which sheds loads of leaves every year).
Current plan is a layer of cardboard, 6" soil, chuck some horse manure and/or green compost on top, then put it under plastic for the winter. Will this be likely to be ready to plant in to by spring?