Make sure you, or any staff you have absolutely LIMIT service on customer bikes to M-checks, and adjusting gears/brakes, inflating tires, lubing the chain.
The temptation is to do favours for people, approach each bike like you would in the workshop but if one single thing goes wrong you have a bike stuck in the stands and a line building up.
To run a great Dr. Bike session you need to keep those bikes moving through and sending people on their way either happy or with the info they'll need going forward to sort their bikes.
(I used to organise these sessions for Havebike and later Bikeworks).
Regarding work offered at Dr Bike sessions.
Make sure you, or any staff you have absolutely LIMIT service on customer bikes to M-checks, and adjusting gears/brakes, inflating tires, lubing the chain.
The temptation is to do favours for people, approach each bike like you would in the workshop but if one single thing goes wrong you have a bike stuck in the stands and a line building up.
To run a great Dr. Bike session you need to keep those bikes moving through and sending people on their way either happy or with the info they'll need going forward to sort their bikes.
(I used to organise these sessions for Havebike and later Bikeworks).