• Here are some more figures on how riders have been affected by lockdown/phased return to work/lower levels of motor traffic and public transport patronage. Most of the additional risk was in zones three and five:

    TfL recorded 38 road deaths in the capital between March 20 and August 29 — 18 motorbike or scooter riders, 14 pedestrians, three cyclists and three car drivers or passengers.

    Suburban areas were most dangerous for cyclists, with an increased number of injuries in zones three and five, possibly as many turned to two wheels in response to advice to avoid public transport.

    The worst effects seem to have been on motorcycle riders, especially scooter riders.


  • I cycle, drive and ride Motorbikes. Whilst the most noise over CS7 etc has come from car drivers Motorbikes are actually affected most by cycle lanes.
    As Cycle lanes are made wider and more physical( wing mirrors impacting the new plastic bollards) cars are moving more to the centerline taking Bikers filtering room. Some of the new Kerbs, bollards etc. are poorly designed for motorbike safety, sharp edges angles and low grip surfaces.

    We aren't going to have Bus/Train commuters suddenly passing Motorbike tests but they may try to cycle so you can see the logic.

    I argue for a new type of motorbike licence for electric Scooters (by this I mean ones styled like petrol scooters not like toy scooters) capable of speeds up to 30mph. This could be simply a CBT that doesn't expire. This would help commuters who can't cycle or live that bit too far out. They would be considerably easier to park in a front garden to charge than electric cars.
