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  • After a month of being in my new place I discovered it had lighting under the cabinets in the kitchen which was a pleasant surprise as I'd been planning to fit some.

    Looking at fitting a deep worksurface in the kitchen (maybe 800mm). How's this work in terms of cupboards, can you get deeper cupboards or do you end up with a void at the back (thinking it could be an ideal place to store the ironing board and step ladder if you can add a door)?

  • can you get deeper cupboards or do you end up with a void at the back

    We got cabinets from Howdens. They had different depth wall cabinets available - not sure about floor standing cabinets though.

    I suspect you'd end up with a void if they're used as standard, as they'd also have to start making deeper drawers, shelves, storage systems etc to fit them. However, it might not be a big customisation job for a fitter to make one of the cupboards deeper.

  • Cheers and @Quincy

    There is no designer. The place we bought was done by a developer and they fitted a smaller kitchen than we want so we're just planning on adding three cupboards and a worksurface on top to an empty wall.

    Just thinking that as it's reasonably wide a deeper work surface would give a fair bit more space.
