I'm about to buy a bunch of 802.11ax access points which claims 3.5Gbps streams and you can have 4 of those per client although I'm only uplinking at 5Gbps.
For home use a bunch of 802.11ac UniFi AP AC LITEs which claim 867Mbps over 5GHz are good and a reasonable cost.
Same room is obviously best but different room can be okay if the construction isn't against you (solid brick walls and foil backed insulation are a PITA, lath and plaster partitions less so).
What is a decent wi-fi speed nowadays? Modern laptop and AC access point.
Now I've got faster internet I can see the wi-fi is now the pinch point with speeds between 80Mbps an 130Mbps.
Is faster possible? Is faster possible without sitting in the same room as the AP.
It's not a deal breaker, the important stuff is wired, but just wondering whether it's worth investing any time trying to get it faster.