I do tend to use Zinnser 123 as a primer over the manufacturers ones. If you are going as far as priming and undercoating which is sometimes worthwhile depending on the substrate then the undercoat from the manufacturer is quite a good choice on top of the 123.
I'm using the Zinnser 123+ now, it's a bit more opaque.
An undercoat should have good levelling characteristics but that's been hard to find since the move to waterbased woodwork paints.
They are all going to be roughly the same durability. The important thing will be to let the paint properly harden before you use it, otherwise you'll scuff the surface pretty quickly.
If you had painted it black with a white primer you would regret it when the black wears out and the white primer shows through. I've seen this problem with dark colour skirtings. Always best to use a darker primer with dark woodwork.