They are all going to be roughly the same durability. The important thing will be to let the paint properly harden before you use it, otherwise you'll scuff the surface pretty quickly.
If you had painted it black with a white primer you would regret it when the black wears out and the white primer shows through. I've seen this problem with dark colour skirtings. Always best to use a darker primer with dark woodwork.
Thanks and good point on the primer. Probably should have mixed a bit of a dark colour to at least make grey.
Durability wise the top step will probably take the most brunt, but either way I'll do my best to let it harden properly. I still need to cut and fit the crossbracing, which judging by how long the uprights took be to do will be a while, so maybe I'll do the rest of the paint first, then finish the structure.
I mean non-gloss really, so either matt or eggshell would work.
I was going to use a black oil based exterior wood paint I have spare, but now I've painted the white primer my OH likes the look of white - so if I'm buying something thought I may as well buy the correct stuff.
Wood is a mix of some sort of compressed ply (ikea) and MDF.