I'm guessing you mean eggshell which is slightly less glossy than matt. Pretty much any Acrylic Eggshell from any manufacturer will do that. There are some tougher ones but it's fairly specialised to require it. If it's for a kitchen stool you will need to repaint the seat fairly regularly because it won't stand that sort of wear.
Oil based eggshell is a bit less common these days and it's more durable once properly dry. Also easier to wipe but it's not as easy to work with and there's the volatile organic compounds to consider.
Whatever you're painting will need to be properly prepared and primed/undercoated. Zinnser All Coat is available in matt and it's very useful for lots of jobs. It needs a week to fully harden though.
Anyone got a recommendation for easily available matt-ish white paint for furniture?
Something that will wipe clean relatively easily.