If you're looking to extract max value from this I'd be inclined to split it for parts - as a whole it's a bit impure but pretty much everything on it is desirable to some degree....
FYI Ricci was a bike shop in Cornwall, not sure if it's still going but in the pre-internet days I used to get their typed out price lists etc in the post, they sold the glittery italian exotica that was hard to come by in suburban England!
Hi thanks for your excellent input - yes Ricci (Bike Chain Ricci) is still going and based between Truro and Redruth. They seem quite fashionable and have a club and some sort of affiliation with the St Piran Race Team I believe. Funny; most would not associate 'glittery' and much less so 'Italian' and 'exotica' with Redruth but you learn something new every day. I think the intention is to try and make a win-win where the owners gets more than they thought they would have given it away for and a passionate buyer gets it at a price they see as great value. I don't want to take the time to split it for him and list, sell, package but I'm happy to help him out a bit. What would you reckon value wise - it's had a tidy up and the mechanic will give it half an hour (gratis) of his time later today to give it a quick once over although it's shifting perfectly well and riding fine?
Wheels are Pelissier hubs (not sure on rims) but the QR Skewers say P1001 which I think is a specific Pelissier hub