I somewhat hastily/stupidly bought the frame from someone on here a few months back. The seller neglected to mention it didn't have the proprietary seatpost clamp with it, and I've since come to learn that they are damn near impossible to find online.
Long shot, I know, but here goes:
I somewhat hastily/stupidly bought the frame from someone on here a few months back. The seller neglected to mention it didn't have the proprietary seatpost clamp with it, and I've since come to learn that they are damn near impossible to find online.
The Aventon website says they will get more, but it's a guessing game as to when - https://www.aventon.com/products/replacement-seatpost-clamp-for-aventon-mataro
Does anyone have one spare, or know who to call in order to get one?
Be careful what you buy online, kids.