If it’s a big scratch, you might be better looking for a local mobile spot repair guy, I had a scuff done on my driveway (on a dark metallic colour) and it was reasonably cheap
There’s various black trim restorer products, You can also run a heat gun over the surface on some trim panels to revive the blackness
Also, anything to help restore the black plastic on the exterior as it’s all quite faded. Probably going to give it a proper good clean - are there any products I can use to help protect the paint?
Look at Ceramic coatings for the plastic. If not then Chemical Guys VRP is supposed to be very good.
Also, anything to help restore the black plastic on the exterior as it’s all quite faded.
This really is the dogs,
Also, anything to help restore the black plastic on the exterior as it’s all quite faded.
I used this on my Civic, have been really impressed by both how well it works and the longevity.
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0044090GC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1It was £9.50 when I bought it from Amazon so maybe shop around.
You can also run a heat gun over the surface on some trim panels to revive the blackness
This works but I've read you're not meant to do it as it can damage the plastic long term or something. I would try less interventionist methods first personally.
Also, any tips for touching up a big scratch? Any kits that are worth buying?
Also, anything to help restore the black plastic on the exterior as it’s all quite faded. Probably going to give it a proper good clean - are there any products I can use to help protect the paint?