Thanks - good timing, its coming back from the garage after an extended stay to get a bunch of stuff sorted... fuel and brake lines, suspension, emissions and some welding...
Very interested in the CD43. How much would you want? And would you mind pointing me in the direction of the plug-in... been googling but can only find US based companies and costing $150+.
The CD changer emulator I had was something like this off EBay: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/2025903358.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.49f2139dxOz4WC
Not sure how much CD43’s go for these days, if you message to remind me I’ll have a look then try to dig out the unit itself. Forum discount obviously.
This is making me all teary-eyed with nostalgia for my E36 328i Sport now...
Such a good barge! Love the E34 wagons.
I have a BMW CD43 in a box somewhere if you’re interested, period-correct and sounds good. Can be adapted for Bluetooth with a £30 plug-in widget.