I have pretty low expectations of online doors around the lower price point. I've fitted a few without problems and they seem to all come from one factory or at least to be manufactured in a very similar way.
Howdens is a good source if you can get a tradesman to get you in. You can look at them and reject anything damaged or out of shape. It's not like their stock is superb but at least you can see and touch it. I've just helped a neighbour fit some 4 panel fire doors over the last couple of weeks. From Howdens I think they were around £100 each.
Its worth considering the construction too. You might want proper rail and stile panel doors in a hardwood or just press moulded and veneered. Sometimes you can't tell how they've put them together until you get up close.
Does anyone have a good source for repro victorian 4 panel doors. I'm after full panel and half glazed. Plenty of online companies offer them but it's hard to judge the quality from a shitty thumbnail.