What is it that you are waiting for, do you need to sell somewhere first or just amass the funds? There's no right or wrong way to do it. It's all down to how much you can control your excitement. For me, I was fine to look early as it just gave me more of an idea about what and where I wanted. Also what the different price brackets would give me. But, for ms_com it was torture as she couldn't help getting carried away when she saw somewhere she liked.
We've started the process of talking to a mortgage adviser and the estate agent my gf used previously. Meanwhile we've been looking online to see what kind of place we can afford and I think I've spotted the sweatspot of size/location and slightly under budget, but there's no way it'll be around by the time we are able to put offers down. I'm sure we'll find an equivalent at the time but it's just frustrating for now. I should stop looking at rightmove.