Dinner for two, but we couldn't decide on toppings. A different dough recipe, started with a biga thursday evening and shaped balls went in the fridge yesterday afternoon. Strange dough to work with, seemingly needing far more heat / time to brown. They went for over 2 minutes instead of the 1:30 I've been doing, and the dough still seemed a tad underdone. Can't comment on the stretching front myself, but got a hint frustration every time I picked up the next pizza for firing.
Dinner for two, but we couldn't decide on toppings. A different dough recipe, started with a biga thursday evening and shaped balls went in the fridge yesterday afternoon. Strange dough to work with, seemingly needing far more heat / time to brown. They went for over 2 minutes instead of the 1:30 I've been doing, and the dough still seemed a tad underdone. Can't comment on the stretching front myself, but got a hint frustration every time I picked up the next pizza for firing.
Toppings are: (starting left and going clockwise)
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