Good point. I was thinking I'd got a Di2 system with an EW67 junction box working with an internal battery, but thinking back that was an external battery that I'd hacked to turn into an internal battery.
It appears from this that the EW67 used to work with a BTR2, but Shimano broke it when they stopped 10/11 speed mismatched systems. Presumably on the basis that with an EW67 and an internal battery you've no way of charging the battery without disassembling everything.
Good point. I was thinking I'd got a Di2 system with an EW67 junction box working with an internal battery, but thinking back that was an external battery that I'd hacked to turn into an internal battery.
It appears from this that the EW67 used to work with a BTR2, but Shimano broke it when they stopped 10/11 speed mismatched systems. Presumably on the basis that with an EW67 and an internal battery you've no way of charging the battery without disassembling everything.