Often errors/overcharges on service charge and rent calculations. Getting these fixed seems a real effort and not for the faint hearted.
Yeah, this is a biggie too that I forgot to mention. I guess it's the same with dealing with any landlord, but it just hurts a bit more as it's "your" place.
I've only just got a refund from 2017, when a concierge and gym were included in my service charge. Neither thing existed.
I've got quite a few colleagues who have done it and they're generally happy-ish but a few things seem to consistently come up.
Often errors/overcharges on service charge and rent calculations. Getting these fixed seems a real effort and not for the faint hearted. My colleagues are forensic accountants so used to doing this kind of thing for work and it still seemed a hugely lengthy process. For example one is being charged for a concierge that they can't use (the concierge is only for the private tenants) and there have been lengthy arguments about what benefit they are getting from this concierge they can't use.
One who staircased to 100% has still had issues in selling as there is no sub-letting allowed so you have to buy to live in it which cuts down the market for selling a modern flat in central London. Also issues with cladding but that seems to be everywhere at the moment.
Saying that, they are all generally happy in them. It's allowed them to "buy" places they wouldn't be able to afford otherwise. Saying that, they do seem to be generally pretty expensive but I guess that's new build flats in prime locations.